RACQ releases inaugural For the Greater Good – FY22 Report
RACQ has released its inaugural For the Greater Good – FY22 Report, as part of the Club’s Annual Reporting suite.
Chief Executive Officer David Carter said the Report outlined the progress across a range of environmental, social and governance (ESG) pillars.
“As the world and environment changes around us, we recognise the need for companies, like RACQ, to proactively report their impact, both adverse and positive, and to be more transparent about what they do and how they do it,” Mr Carter said.
For the Greater Good Report outlines the Club’s progress across a range of environmental, social and governance pillars and is an important step in its transformation towards its 2030 vision - to be a trusted partner for our members, providing solutions to live and move safely, securely and sustainably.
“The Report demonstrates the proud role we play in supporting Queensland communities and the lives of our members through the RACQ Foundation, community partnerships and advocacy efforts,” Mr Carter said.
“It celebrates the way our people support our members through good times and bad on the phone, on the road, in our stores and online.
“It also highlights where we need to challenge ourselves to change and where we need to improve, particularly when it comes to our own environmental footprint and risk management.”
Mr Carter said as the Club looked ahead, For the Greater Good would provide more detail about targets and initiatives to improve how it operates, contributes to Queensland’s economy, and delivers on commitments towards net zero emissions.
“Recognising the important role we play in Queensland, we will continue to provide trusted advice, and valuable products and services that give our members confidence to transition to a low-carbon future,” he said.
RACQ’s Annual Report 2021-22 can be viewed here and For the Greater Good – FY22 Report can be viewed here.