There for our members when they need us most.

This month Queensland marks the one year anniversary of the 2022 February flood event – a historic event that caused wide-spread devastation across south east Queensland and northern New South Wales and became the most expensive natural disaster in Australia’s history.
Matt Jarrett 935

We know the physical and emotional impact of this event is still being felt by our members, and our teams remain on the ground rebuilding homes and helping our communities recover. We are working hard to ensure our members get back on their feet, and into their homes, as soon as possible. 

We have dedicated teams ready to help guide our members through what is an incredibly challenging time. Our Manager of Technical Claims and Events Matt Jarrett oversees preparations to ensure RACQ is in the best position to respond to destructive weather. 

“The scale of last year’s flood event was unlike anything I had seen before. Once it started to become clear how many people were affected and the level of devastation that would be left in its wake – it was hard to comprehend. Your first thought is always about our members, and how they would be feeling in this moment,” Mr Jarrett said. 

“When a severe weather event occurs, our priority is to be on the ground as quickly as possible.  

“This includes dispatching our Mobile Member Centre to help members lodge their claim and get repairs underway; making sure our call centres are resourced and ready to help our members on the phone; and mobilising our assessors and builders to be out assisting our communities as soon as possible. 

"During the floods, we also introduced a Lodge on Behalf Of (LOBO) initiative, which allowed different teams to chip in and help lodge claims during the disaster. It helps us reduce call wait times and prioritise our most vulnerable members.”  

Matt's role is incredibly varied, so when he isn’t coordinating event responses, he's assisting our members and planning for future weather events. 

“One minute I’m monitoring the weather for a potential catastrophe, the next I’m supporting a member with their claim for water damage or an injured pet. In between, we’re planning for what might happen and how we can minimise the impact,” he said. 

“With Queensland being the most disaster-prone state in the country, we know our members will continue to face severe weather events.  

“That’s why we are committed to continuing the development of our processes to reduce the physical, financial, and emotional impacts of natural disasters. After all, the wellbeing of our members is our number one priority.” 

Learn more about our 2022 Flood Response.

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