Queenslanders warned to prepare for severe weather


As a significant rain event tracks across Queensland, RACQ has warned home owners and motorists to be prepared and avoid unnecessary risks.

Flooded road closed to traffic

Media Release  News Grabs

The Bureau of Meteorology reported widespread heavy rain is likely across the centre and north of the State today, before spreading to coastal areas and moving down to southern and south east Queensland. 

RACQ spokesperson Kate Leonard-Jones warned the weather system has the potential to be a significant event given many areas are already saturated from recent heavy rain. 

“There is an increased risk of flash flooding, particularly around creeks or streams following short, intense rainfall,” Ms Leonard-Jones said.

“Now is the time to find your emergency kit and check its contents. Make sure food items and medications aren’t out of date.

“If you are concerned about your property being inundated, check with your local council or SES to see if sandbags are available in your area, and ensure you have an emergency plan in place that your family is familiar with.”

Ms Leonard-Jones said with moderate and major flooding likely in some catchments, now is not the time to be taking risks.

“There are already more than 100 roads affected by flooding across the State, so we’re asking Queenslanders to stay indoors and avoid unnecessary travel during this time,” she said. 

“If you do need to head out, make sure you check the latest road conditions before leaving home.

“If you are on the road - turn your lights on, slow down, pull over if you must, but never under a tree, and remember – if it’s flooded, forget it. It’s far better to find an alternative route home or wait until the water has subsided than end up being swept away.”

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