Fill up the tank before prices soar above 200cpl
RACQ is advising south east Queensland motorists to head to the bowser now, as the region hits the cheap phase of the fuel price cycle.
Club spokesperson Lauren Cooney said motorists are unlikely to see prices go any lower for unleaded and diesel, this price cycle.
“Right now, 31% of service stations across Greater Brisbane are charging 175 cents per litre (cpl) or less for regular unleaded,” Ms Cooney said.
“We know that doesn’t sound cheap, but we are in the cheap phase of the price cycle, and we don’t expect prices to remain low for very long.
“We’ll soon hit the first ‘expensive phase’ after the reintroduction of the full fuel excise, and we expect prices may go as high as 210cpl in the next week or so.
“Queensland motorists haven’t seen prices that high since June, so now is absolutely the time to fill the tank while cheaper fuel is still widely available.”
Ms Cooney said diesel prices do not follow a fuel price cycle, and the full fuel excise is already causing prices to climb.
“Diesel is still incredibly expensive due to high wholesale prices, caused by a shortage in global supply,” she explained.
“The bad news is we do expect diesel prices to jump even further as the re-introduction of the full fuel excise continues to flow through to the bowser and prices could go as high as 235cpl.
“Diesel users should be trying to buy the last of the cheaper diesel available and should aim to pay 218cpl or less.
“Whether you fill up with E-10, unleaded or diesel make sure you’re getting the best deal you can by using the fuel comparison apps and reward the fuel companies that are giving you the best price at the bowser.