‘I’ve been in a car with a drink driver’, young drivers’ shocking admissions

RACQ has revealed an alarming number of young people have admitted to getting into a car with a potentially drunk driver, prompting a warning for all teens heading to schoolies this weekend.
young drivers

Club spokesperson Lauren Ritchie said almost 40 percent of young drivers surveyed by RACQ admitted to putting themselves in danger by being a passenger in a car when they believed the driver was over the legal blood alcohol limit.

“Sadly, we know P platers are a very high-risk age group and are regularly over-represented in fatal road crashes,” Ms Ritchie said.

“With a lot of younger drivers heading away with their friends and potentially driving long distances to Schoolies celebrations, this is an important reminder to young adults to think ahead.

“There’s always an alternative to getting in the car with someone who has been affected by drugs or alcohol.”

Ms Ritchie said it was also important for parents to speak with their children about the dangers.

“We encourage parents to educate their kids about trusting their gut to remove themselves from a situation that feels wrong and to have a back-up plan, whether that’s having a parent or relative pick them up, using public transport, rideshare or even sleeping over at the party,” she said.

“There’s no excuse for drinking and driving or getting a ride with someone who’s over the limit - remember if you’re on your P plates you must legally have zero blood alcohol content. Be aware you could still be over that limit the day after a big night of drinking.

“Schoolies also need to make sure they’re staying alert as pedestrians as well. Everyone deserves to enjoy the celebrations but we want to make sure everyone gets home safely.”

RACQ's Young Drivers Survey
Read our annual survey packed full of insights and data about Queensland's young drivers.

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