Test your knowledge of Queensland's give-way rules

Road safety education has always been a priority for RACQ and traffic quizzes are just one way the Club educates Queenslanders. 

RACQ’s traffic quizzes get Queenslanders talking every week on social media.

From navigating roundabouts to understanding who gives way at a complicated intersection and knowing how to merge on a motorway, the quizzes are created for drivers to test their knowledge of the road rules. 

But this isn’t something we started doing in the age of social media. A 1950 edition of The Road Ahead quizzed motorists on "right-of-way" rules. 

The Queensland Road Rules no longer use the term "right-of-way" as sometimes two or more vehicles can be required to give way to each other. 

Applying today's give-way rules to the above diagram from 1950, what would your answers be? 

Who gives way?

A. You must give way to vehicles on your right at uncontrolled crossroad intersections (such as the ones in the image). The vehicle travelling from right to left must give way to the vehicle travelling down the page vertically. 

B. Similarly to (A), you must give way to vehicles on your right at an uncontrolled crossroad intersection, so the vehicle travelling from left to right must give way to the vehicle turning right. 

C. The vehicle at the bottom of the image must give way to the vehicle on its right, travelling down the page and turning right. 

D. The vehicle turning right must give way to the car travelling straight down the page. 

Read more from The Road Ahead magazine

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