Six tips for navigating school pick-up and drop-off zones

With the new school year underway, it is vital for Queensland motorists to remain vigilant when they’re in drop-off and pick-up zones.
School zone sign

In most parts of Queensland, drivers are required to adhere to reduced speed limits when travelling in school zones.

While the most common school zone speed limit is 40km/h, on some roads, where the normal speed limit is 80km/h or above, the speed limit reduces to 60 km/h.

RACQ Education Officer Caitlin Delaney said the timing of reduced speed limits can vary.

“In every Queensland school zone there will be a sign displaying when the speed restrictions are in place for that particular area. Some will be during pick up and drop off times while others apply all day,” Ms Delaney said.

“It is imperative for all motorists to familiarise themselves with the signage in their local area, so they are aware of when these speed limits apply.

“These reduced limits are in place to protect vulnerable young people who don’t have the ability to accurately assess hazards and risks or think through the consequences of their actions, so it’s really important drivers are alert.”

Ms Delaney said it was also important for parents and carers to protect children by having them exit the vehicle safely.

“When picking up or dropping off your child, make sure they enter and exit the vehicle using the safety door – that’s the rear left side or footpath side door,” Ms Delaney said.

“This will ensure your child leaves the vehicle away from the flowing traffic.

“Instilling safe behaviours in our children around cars and traffic from a young age is fundamental to keeping them safe.”

During visits to schools around the State, RACQ’s Education Team urges children to use designated crossings, look both ways before crossing roads and not be distracted by mobile phones. These are important tools for any child’s road safety knowledge.

Ensure the vehicle is parked with the handbrake on when in the pick-up/drop-off zone. Protecting our most vulnerable road users is everyone’s responsibility.

Click here for more information regarding safe travel around schools.

Six tips for ensuring you and your child go back to school safely:

  • Adhere to the reduced speed limit,
  • Be alert to all road users, particularly young children who can behave unpredictably as pedestrians and riders,
  • If you have to park and walk into school, model to your children safe places to cross and utilise the supervised school crossings,
  • Teach your children how and why to use the safety door (footpath door away from traffic) to exit the vehicle,
  • Avoid manoeuvres such as U-turns and three-point turns around children navigating the road,
  • Give way to all pedestrians.

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