Queenslanders are swiping left to spending on romance


RACQ Bank research has revealed cost-of-living pressures are pulling at the heartstrings of Queenslanders, with more than a third (37%) spending less on dating in the past 12 months compared to previous years.

Couple managing money at dining table

According to the survey, almost half (48%) of respondents said increased cost-of-living expenses were the primary reason for reduced spending when it came to dating and 42% said financial pressures had negatively impacted their relationships with loved ones.

RACQ Spokesperson Melissa McGrath said spending on dates and weddings had taken a financial hit.

“While it’s promising that more than half (55%) of respondents have a goal to save more in 2024, it was concerning to hear about the negative impact that inflationary pressures are having on relationships," Ms McGrath said. 

“Not only are these pressures impacting dating habits, but also half of those planning to get married this year said they will need financial support from parents or family to fund their wedding celebrations.

“Meanwhile, 30% of Queenslanders said they would prioritise other financial goals rather than use their savings on a wedding.”

Ms McGrath said there are inexpensive dating alternatives, as well as budgeting tools available, like RACQ’s budget planner, to help Queenslanders plan ahead and prioritise romance.

“The survey results found those aged between 18-34 leant more towards traditionally cheaper dates such as activities and staying at home rather than going out for an expensive dinner,” she said.

“Sharing a homecooked meal, staying in and watching a movie or having a picnic in the park are all affordable ways to spend valuable time with a loved one.

“Using RACQ’s online budget planner is also a great resource to plan ahead and make sure to incorporate any date night spending in your budget.”

Queenslanders can access RACQ’s online budget planner, here: Budget planner | Budget calculator | RACQ

To further ease cost-of-living pressures RACQ also offers a range of benefits and discounts available to members including movies, experiences, dining and more.

To find out how you can access these benefits, visit Member benefits and discounts | RACQ

*Survey findings from RACQ Quarterly Consumer Omnibus, FY24 Q3, n=421.  

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