RACQ welcomes cuts to public transport fares

RACQ Managing Director and CEO David Carter said the announcement is a short-term step in the right direction.
“This will quickly address one of the top three issues our members raise with us about public transport which are cost, accessibility and convenience,” Mr Carter said.
“We know members are seeking cost-of-living relief when it comes to transport and 50-cent fares provides that to those who can access good public transport.”
Mr Carter said all levels of Government still have work to do to deliver a long-term solution that encourages more Queenslanders to leave the car at home.
“Of the four biggest capital cities, Brisbane has the lowest public transport use which has never returned to pre-Covid levels,” he said.
“We need to do whatever we can to bring South East Queensland public transport use to the same levels as other capital cities and we need the Government to plan and build a system that more Queenslanders are able and want to use for the long-term future.
“This includes better infrastructure, higher-frequency and faster rail services and overhauling bus services with more direct, high-frequency services.
“Current governments have inherited long term under-investment in roads which has exacerbated the impact of a fast-growing population on congestion.”
RACQ will be monitoring the effectiveness of this initiative in both relieving congestion and changing public transport patronage.
Six months of patronage data will provide important insights which should be used to shape long-term decision making on public transport fare reform and service improvements.
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