Read our fuel fact sheets, position statements, and tips

Want to know more about Queensland’s fuel market?

RACQ releases fuel price reports so you can view and compare trends in Brisbane and across Australian capital cities and regional areas.

You can also read the Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) Fact Sheet for information on retail prices, availability, and the future of LPG.

RACQ Fuel Prices in Queensland Fact Sheet
Read our current fact sheet on fuel prices in Queensland.
Ethanol-blended Fuels Policy
Read our current policy on ethanol-blended fuels including E10.
Fuel pricing reports
Fuel price information and analysis.

Biofuels in Queensland

Two types of biofuels are commonly available in Queensland. These are ethanol-blended petrol and biodiesel. Ethanol-blended petrol, a blend of mineral petrol and ethanol (alcohol), has been available in Australia for more than 15 years. The most common blend, E10 (up to 10% ethanol and 90% mineral petrol), is widely available in Queensland. Biodiesel is a fuel designed for use in diesel engines made from vegetable or animal fats and oils. Biodiesel is chemically similar to mineral diesel fuel and blends of up to 5% can be sold in Australia without additional labelling.

RACQ supports the Queensland biofuels mandates, and the promotion and use of biofuels as a way of reducing reliance of fossil/mineral fuels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving urban air quality. We are also committed to consumer choice and seek to ensure the biofuels Mandate does not limit the opportunity for Queenslanders to buy 100% mineral petrol or ethanol-blended petrol.

Read the Biofuels and the Queensland Biofuels Mandate Fact Sheet.

Past and superseded policies and fact sheets