Local Giving program
Are you a community organisation in need of a hand? RACQ Local Giving gives community organisations the opportunity to apply for grants up to $500 through their local RACQ store.
Whether you need compost bins at your local school or equipment for disability and inclusive sport, we’re here to help you on your environmental and social sustainability journey. Supporting locals where we live and play is just one more way that membership makes a difference.
To apply, check the eligibility criteria and funding categories below and talk to your local RACQ store.
Find your local RACQ storeEligibility Criteria
What are we looking for in a Local Giving application?
The activity must be aligned to one or more of the funding categories.
A Queensland-based event, program or activity.
The activity provides a service or other benefit to RACQ members and local Queensland communities.
The grant offers RACQ measurable benefits commensurate with the value of the funding, e.g. positive media coverage, a high degree of visibility within the local or wider community or other reputational enhancement.
The activity is either a proven proposition in terms of its merit or ability to deliver community and grant giver benefits or is supported by a sound business case demonstrating its potential to deliver such benefits.
Your organisation must be based within 5km of an RACQ metropolitan store or 100km of one of our regional RACQ stores, and offer the opportunity for the local store to be actively involved.
Safer driving and safer, connected roadsActivities relating to the mobility needs of our members and their communities, and enhancing the security and sustainability of their transport choices.
Disability, diversity, and inclusionLocally run diverse and inclusive activities supporting disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, culturally linguistic and diverse, migrant and refugee, rural and regionally remote and isolated people.
Climate resilient communitiesSupporting Queensland through emergency response, disaster recovery and climate resilient activities.
Environmental sustainabilityActivities that preserve Queensland’s environmental sustainability and encourage everyday sustainable practices.
Grassroots Sponsorship program FAQs
How we’ve helped.

Our RACQ Clifford Gardens store supported Highfields Lions AFL Club with special needs sporting equipment, supporting children with vision and hearing impairment participate in community team sport.

Our Noosa store helped Sunshine Butterflies purchase woodworking tools to support their Chippies Corner woodworking program for people with disability

Our Hervey Bay store have supported Maryborough Garden Club purchase a new watering system and vegetable garden beds to help grown food for the local community.