Tips for when you’re locked out of your car

Most drivers (or their passengers) end up locking their keys inside their car at one time or another - so don’t stress. Follow these simple steps and you can get back inside your vehicle fast.

  1. Double check you’re locked out
    It seems like an obvious step, but you’d be surprised how many people can get back into their car because of an unlocked door/boot or an open window.
  2. Locate your spare key
    If your car came with two sets of keys, now is a good time to hunt down that spare. Check with friends and family who you may have given it to.
  3. Don’t panic
    There’s no need to break a window unless you’re in an emergency. We offer a lockout service with all our packages, and we can help you quickly open your car, retrieve your keys, and arrange a locksmith if needed.
  4. Get 24/7 roadside assistance from RACQ
    If you have RACQ Roadside Assistance you can request help online. If you don’t have roadside assistance, you can buy cover and get help now. An immediate service one-time surcharge applies.
  5. Stay in a safe location
    If you’re on the side of the road and your keys are locked in the car, stand well away from the road while you wait for help. Avoid hailing other cars as distracting other drivers could result in a collision. 

What to do if a child or pet is locked in your car

It's considered an emergency when a child or pet is locked inside the car. To avoid injury or illness, you should call RACQ Roadside Assistance rescue immediately on 13 1111.

How to avoid getting locked out again

Preventing future mishaps only takes a few minutes and will help you save time and energy.

  1. Make two spare keys and keep one at home and one at the most regular place you drive to and from (e.g., work or a parent or trusted friend’s house).
  2. Don’t encourage children to play with your keys.
  3. Take your keys with you when you leave your car, as some cars have an auto-lock function.
  4. Regularly replace the battery in your electronic key.
  5. Buy roadside assistance before you need it - you’ll save on call-out fees and have peace of mind for other breakdowns too.

Things to note

The information in this article has been prepared for general information purposes only and is not intended as legal advice or specific advice to any particular person. Any advice contained in the document is general advice, not intended as legal advice or professional advice and does not take into account any person’s particular circumstances. Before acting on anything based on this advice you should consider its appropriateness to you, having regard to your objectives and needs.