International Women’s Day – an opportunity to celebrate and reflect

Since its inception in 1911, International Women’s Day annually recognises the achievements of women who have forged a path for women’s equality
RACQ Organisational Development Specialist, Hannah Chong. 

The theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is Count her in – invest in women. Accelerate progress, which aims to examine pathways to greater economic inclusion for women and girls everywhere by strengthening their capacity to learn, earn and lead. 

The day has become an opportunity to reflect on progress, to call for change and to celebrate the achievements of women who have changed history. 

For RACQ’s Organisational Development Specialist Hannah Chong, the day is a reminder of the barriers women have faced. 

Growing up, International Women’s Day didn’t have a huge impact on me, as I never saw myself represented,” Ms Chong said.

“Now, it’s fantastic to see women from different cultures and backgrounds, or with disabilities or diverse sexualities be championed with their voices and stories amplified.

“International Women’s Day is an opportunity to honour the progress women before us have made, so we can do the same for the next generation.”

As reported in RACQ’s For the Greater Good Report in 2023, almost 60% of RACQ’s workforce consisted of women and 53% of women held leadership roles including manager level and above

Ms Chong, who oversees the Club’s diversity and inclusion strategy said her role is important in establishing equity among everyone at RACQ. 

“The aim of my role is ensuring our people feel valued, respected, and included so they can be their authentic selves at work and feel like they belong,” Ms Chong said. 

In my team, we are predominantly women and while I’ve only been at the organisation a short while, I have learnt so much from both leaders and peers.” 

When it comes to advice, Ms Chong said it’s important for all women to invest in supporting each other as well as themselves

“If you have the opportunity, look for the potential in other women and don’t see them as competition,” she said.  

“Instead, advocate for them - we can only gain from lifting each other up.

“It’s also crucial to champion for yourself, believe in yourself, and be unafraid to take risks.”

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