Townsville crowned e-scooter capital of Queensland

Townsville residents are leading the State when it comes to electric scooter use with RACQ’s inaugural public transport survey finding 18% of respondents have ridden a shared e-scooter in the past 12 months.
Purple e-scooter

Media Release News Grabs

Club spokesperson Tristan Vorias said shared e-scooters are the third most popular public transport option in Townsville, beaten only by ferries and buses.

“Out of the 10 local government areas we surveyed across the State, Townsville had the highest percentage of residents using shared e-scooters to get around,” Mr Vorias said.

“In comparison, only 12% of Brisbane residents and 5% of Gold Coast residents surveyed say they use shared e-scooters in the past 12 months.

“E-scooters were rolled out in Townsville less than two years ago, but already they’ve become a valued mode of transport for residents and tourists.”

Mr Vorias said the higher levels of e-scooter use in Townsville was possibly related to the low overall use of other traditional forms of public transport in the city compared to other local government areas.

“Only 55% of Townsville residents surveyed use public transport, and only 10% use it at least once per week.

“Locals say the main reasons they don’t use public transport are because they prefer to drive, it takes too long and there’s a lack of services.

“Interestingly, more than half (51.1%) of those who don’t use public transport say they’d consider it if their concerns were addressed.

“These results give RACQ great insight into how the community is using public transport and how it can be improved,” Mr Vorias said.

Local Government Areas ranked by use of shared e-scooters (%)*:

Local Government Area Percentage of residents who use shared e-scooters
Townsville 18%
Brisbane 12%
Logan 9%


Sunshine Coast 8%
Redlands 7%
 Gold Coast 5%
Ipswich 5%
Toowoomba 4%
Moreton Bay 3%

Townsville's public transport usage by mode (%)*:

Mode of Public Transport Percentage of residents who use that mode
Ferry 29%
Bus 27%
Shared e-scooter 18%
Rideshare 16%
Train  14%
Shuttle bus 7%


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